Littlefield-Hurricane Valley NRCD

Conserving 1,995,702 acres of Arizona

The Littlefield-Hurricane Valley NRCD was organized on November 28, 1949. Its boundaries include the area south of the Utah/Arizona State line and west of the Hurricane Cliffs to the Colorado River and east to the Arizona/Nevada border all in Mohave County. The Littlefield-Hurricane Valley District is primarily federally owned land.

The land varies tremendously from the Mojave Desert plant communities to the Colorado Plateau which includes the salt desert shrub, the sagebrush grasslands, the pinion and juniper zone, and finally the ponderosa pine community in the higher elevations. 

Ranching is the primary form of agriculture in the area and has been a way of life for generations. Recreation activities including hunting, sightseeing, and off-road travel are also major uses in the area.  

The area relies almost entirely on rainfall for water. Providing reliable water sources for livestock and wildlife is difficult. Ponds, water catchment systems, watering facilities, spring developments, pond sealing and lining, pumping plants, and pipelines are all management practices that producers in the area implement to improve working lands.

Grassland restoration is also a key resource concern for the District. Salt cedar and sagebrush encroachment means grasses are choked out and cannot grow. Therefore, the removal of both is beneficial and necessary for resource conservation efforts in the area.

  • What: Regular meeting

    When: November 26, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. (UT time)

    Where: Carolyn Iverson’s home, 2187 South 2350 East, St. George, UT.

    Agenda: click here

  • November 2024

    Click Here

Littlefield-Hurricane Valley NRCD Conservation Action Plan

This document is a draft and is subject to review and edits.

Resource Concerns: 

  • Inadequate Livestock Water 

  • Soil Erosion 

  • Plant Productivity 

  • Water Quality 

  • Noxious Weeds 

Conservation Practices:

  • Fencing 

  • Grazing Management 

  • Water Distribution for Livestock and Wildlife 

  • Brush Management 

Board of Supervisors

Barry Bundy, Chair

Kolter Layton, Vice Chair

William Bundy, Secretary

Larry Iverson, Treasurer

Connie Bundy, Supervisor

Contact Info

Carolyn Iverson (Clerk)