The ConserveAZ Portal
Please read the FAQs below before accessing the Portal.
What is the ConserveAZ Portal?
The ConserveAZ portal was devised by the Arizona Association of Conservation Districts in partnership with the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) to support Arizona’s Conservation Districts with the development of Conservation Action Plans. District Supervisors and NRCS staff can now access a wide range of diverse data through this unique mapping portal to conduct resource needs assessments, identify resource priorities, track the progress of conservation practices, and develop conservation plans.
Can the Public use the Portal?
No. The Portal is not open to the public. Only authorized NRCS personnel, Conservation District Supervisors, and authorized AACD consultants may gain access to the Portal. However, if a member of the public is interested in learning more about their local Conservation District, please visit the Conservation Districts webpage to learn more and find contact information for each District.
Is private information shared on the Portal?
No. The Portal does not share any private landowner information.
I am a Conservation District Supervisor or NRCS employee. How can I gain access to the Portal?
Please email information.aacd@gmail.com with an inquiry.